Eppilette / Belt Badge Strap Clip


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Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount

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11 - 20 $0.20 each $1.79 each
21 - 50 $0.40 each $1.59 each
51 - 250 $0.60 each $1.39 each
251 - 500 $0.80 each $1.19 each
501 - 1000 $0.99 each $0.99 each
1001 or above $1.19 each $0.80 each


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  • This double loop attachment has a small loop for your badge and a large loop that would fit a belt or epaulette 1 1/2" wide
  • Total open length is approximately 7" - Total closed length is 3 1/2" - Standard 1/2" thickness
  • Both loops close with standard button closures
  • Quantity discount available above