Wong-Baker FACES™
Wong-Baker FACES™ Pain Rating Scale 3" by 5" Pocket Card
Wong-Baker FACES® Pain Rating Scale (in English) Pocket Card. On the back is a note about the scales use and instructions. Tear and waterproof. Same size as an index card 3" by 5." It will fits perfect in a scrub or lab coat pocket. Great for adding...
$3.99 -
Scrub Pocket™
Ventilator Management Pocket Card
This pocket card features initial ventilator settings, condition specific recommendations, and the ARDS Net parameter guidelines. This is a must have card if you are around vents. It is on our pocket card version (3" by 5") which is a laminated rigid...
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Scrub Pocket™
Tidal Volume IBW Pocket Card
This pocket card features the Ideal Body Weight (also termed Predictive Body Weight) and tidal volume chart. It covers the full range from 4ml/kg to 10ml/kg - men on one side and women on the other. It is on our pocket card version (3" by 5") which is a...
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Scrub Pocket™
Medication Administration Rights Pocket Card
This 3" by 5" pocket card features the classic 5 medication rights plus an additional 7 with updated recommendations. This card is a must for any nursing student or new grad.
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Emergency Nurses Association™
ESI Pocket Cards Set - 2 Cards
This is a 2 card set that features the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) widely used in the triage process. These cards feature the overall flowchart, grid showing which tasks counts as a resource or not, and the details and definitions section. Content of...