Scrub Pocket™
Mini Pediatric Set Badge Cards - 6 cards
Pediatric set of 6 badge cards includes the following cards: FLACC Pediatric Vital Signs & Developmental Milestones Pregnancy Wheel Chart Temperature Conversion Weight Conversion Pediatric Range Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale w/ Spanish Rating...
$10.99 -
Scrub Pocket™
Mini Respiratory Therapist Set Badge Cards - 6 cards
Set of 6 badge cards geared toward RTs. Set includes the following cards: ARDS ReferenceArterial Blood Gas Lab Values Pediatric Vital Signs & Developmental Milestones Tidal Volume Ventilator Management
$10.99 -
Scrub Pocket™
Neonatal Weight Conversion Badge Card
This chart quickly gives you the weight conversion from commonly used pounds/ounces to grams for our littlest ones. Range is from 0 to 13lbs by 1 oz increments. Narrow increments allow you to use the most accurate weight for our precious population where...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
Order of Draw Badge Card
The most common order of draw chart as well as tube additives, fill levels, inversion range, and other considerations when drawing blood. On the reverse the card highlights the general/common usage of each tube as well as the common tests that are...
$2.49 -
OT PT Consult Guidelines Badge Card
This card is meant to be used by healthcare professionals (ex: MDs, DOs, ARNPs, PAs) to guide the decision making process when determining whether or not to consult Occupational Therapy (OT) and/or Physical Therapy (PT) services for a patient. Ancillary...
$2.59 -
Scrub Pocket™
Pediatric 5 Card Badge Card Keychain Set
Pediatric keychain set of 5 badge cards includes the following cards: FLACC Pediatric Vital Signs & Developmental Milestones Pregnancy Wheel Chart Weight Conversion Pediatric Range Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale w/ Spanish Rating Scale Please...
$11.99 -
Scrub Pocket™
Pregnancy Wheel Chart Badge Card
Acts just like a pregnancy wheel but better! No guessing if it is on the line or not because this card is in an easy to read chart format. This card is also much more compact than any standard pregnancy wheel. To use it, find the LMP and the chart...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
Ventilator Management Badge Card
If you are around ventilators this is a great card to have. It features initial ventilator settings and management including several condition specific recommendations. This card has been introduced during the Covid-19 crisis to assist healthcare workers...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
RASS Badge Card
The RASS is used to describe a patient's level of alertness or agitation, most commonly during intubation to avoid over or under-sedation. Either extreme is bad for patient outcome and this tool assists providers in keeping a patient at an optimal...
$2.49 -
SCI C1-T12 Myotomes & Functional Considerations Badge Card
Difficult to memorize information related to spinal cord injury (SCI) patient populations presented in a convenient, practical, and durable format! On this badge buddy you will find the myotomes for spinal segments C1-T12 in addition to specific...
$2.59 -
Scrub Pocket™
Wound Ruler (Clear) Badge Card
This wound ruler can be aligned to the center of a wound measuring outward in circular bands all in a handy badge card format.
$3.49 -
SCI Dermatomes & L1-S5 Myotomes Badge Card
Difficult to memorize information related to spinal cord injury (SCI) patient populations presented in a convenient, practical, and durable format! On this badge buddy you will find the myotomes for spinal segments L1-S5 in addition to a color-coded map...
$2.59 -
Scrub Pocket™
Temperature Conversion Badge Card
This badge card offers a quick reference to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Range is from 27 C (80.6 F) to 42 C (107.6 F). From 27 – 31.5 the interval is 0.5 C. From 31.6 – 42.0 the interval is 0.1 C. Print size is standard...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
The Pause Badge Card
The Pause allows a moment of reflection after the death of a patient, and offers help with closure. It can be an opportunity to acknowledge the importance of the moment, and be a helpful transition for everyone present. Since it is shared in silence, The...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
Tidal Volume Badge Card
No more calculations! This chart calculates Tidal Volume based on Ideal Body Weight. Just cross reference the patients height and the ordered Tidal Volume per kg to find the Total Tidal Volume. One side is for males and the other for females. Very easy...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
Age Calculation Chart Badge Card
Ever in a situation where the patient wasn't able to tell you their age. You might have their DOB but sometimes that math is a little tricky in a busy situation. Use this age chart to quickly reference their DOB relative to the current date which will...
$2.49 -
Scrub Pocket™
Total Blood Volume "Don't take too much" Badge Card
Ever have a patient say "Don't take too much" as you were drawing blood? This card acts as a visual que so you can show the patient just how little you are typically taking. Shows an "average" male and female total blood volume with a typical blood draw...
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